January 25th 9AM MDT
How to prepare for the distant group sessions
Participating in my group sessions should be approached the same as if it was a personal session.
You will want to lie or sit down in a quiet comfortable place where you will not be interrupted.
I suggest closing your eyes during the session. You will most likely have a more visceral experience if your eyes are closed.
If possible wear comfortable clothing so you can be more present in the experience.
I suggest putting your phone on mute if you don’t need to be somewhere after the session and don’t set an alarm.
If it helps you connect, imagine I am standing right beside you giving you a session. That's what I am imagining 🙂
Just be open to the experience, expect nothing, but know... ANYTHING is possible.
What to expect during the session
The most common sensations:
- Eyes fluttering
- Involuntary movements or twitches in your face and body
- Noticeable change in your breathing
- The sensation of floating or feeling very heavy and sinking into your bed or chair.
- Feeling energy coursing through your body
- Seeing colors or lights when your eyes are closed
Some people will have strong sensations during these sessions, while others will experience more subtle sensations. If you do have a strong response during the session I encourage you to just go with it. Know that what you are experiencing is exactly what you need right now.
If it gets too strong you can stop the session at any time.
Even if you experience nothing during the sessions, don’t be surprised if you start to experience a new awareness around areas of life that matter to you.
Suggestion: If your mind starts racing during the session you can always focus on your breathing or place your attention on your body. For instance, you could try to feel if one part of your body is warmer than the rest? Or can feel each of the hairs on your head or on your arms. You don’t need to do this but it might help you quite your mind.
You will receive what you are supposed to receive whether your mind is quiet and you are in a zen state or your kids are banging on the door telling you the dog just peed on the carpet.
Cost for monthly "Tune-UP" Group Sessions once a month (Donations)
The monthly distant group sessions are facilitated for donations only.
I look forward to meeting everyone in the field!!!
Peace and love to you and yours!
Everyday Masters
January 25th 9AM MDT
Group remote sessions (Worldwide)
I will be scheduling one or two, remote group session every month for those interested in experiencing what these frequencies will bring into your life. It doesn’t matter where you live in the world, these frequencies function outside our understanding of space and time. Most likely your experience during the group distant sessions will be just as strong as if I was standing right beside you. Maybe even stronger.